Friday, 13 November 2009

Monkey see, Monkey want

Just to pre-empt the deluge of enquiries, here are a few things I would be delighted, properly delighted to recieve at birthday / Christmas time. Seriously, I am only doing this to make life easier, that's all!

A tallish cylindrical tin for keeping biscuits in eg Digestives
Wool, inc sock yarn, fabric, any kind of crafty stuff, haberdashery
Knitting needles (various sizes) - this is kind of a joke
A nice facial scrub
Some classic cook book, eg Art of French Cookery, or similar, or a modern one instead.

And that's about it.

I am also keen to acquire a wardrobe and more bedroom furniture in the ash/ pale oak colourway, but that's for another post.

BUT, importantly, family please give me a few clues. Pretty please. I have begun to cast on the fingerless gloves....

Thursday, 12 November 2009

I am organised!

I started my Christmas shopping today.

Only a few gifts have been purchased, and some festive food which I have secreted away, but I am still enjoying a cinnamon scented aura around me. I even changed the colours of my blog!

Therefore, this is a call to arms for my nearest and dearest and anyone who thinks I ought to buy them a present....

What would you like to recieve on 25th December 2009??
Answer me soon, or else you will be receiving hand made fingerless gloves.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Bad Day

  1. I have been suspended from University for non-payment of fees. How did this happen? I genuinely do not recall getting any communication from finance.
  2. Due to suspension (see point 1) I can't register which is also a major PITA, and thus can't properly use the library etc etc.
  3. Pharmacy "gave away" 500 placebo tablets from my study to someone else, totally screwing up my research (possibly).
  4. Now I am public enemy No 1 with the pharmacy dept. oops.
  5. I have had to make an appointment to get a fast-track passport, at a cost of £112. No wonder people are having Staycations. Leaving the country is too bloody expensive.
  6. I have to drive 260 miles tomorrow.