I tried out Anne Magill's pancake recipe.
It is ace, I am v pleased with it. I feel as though I have found some sort of baking-enlightenment.
The recipe was passed on to me in the verbal tradition. At Mum's retirement lunch Bron and I were commenting that whoever had made the drop scones had done lovely job, that neither of us could make them, and unfortunately the secret to said DS was probably 50 years of practice. However, I was dispatched by Bronters to find out (a) who made them and (b) to get their recipe. Finding out the answer to A was ok, (A.ok even!!) but I felt a bit of a pillock in the second part because Anne was labourious telling me the recipe whilst the other 7 octogenarians were rushing round her in the kitchen the size of a phone box with hot water and dishes. Undeterred, I got the recipe, and you will be pleased to learn that it is straight forward and 50 years of practice is not required.
So, as it was told to me.
Anne; Take 8oz of self rising flour.
Add to it 1/2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda. And 1/2 tsp of, of, Barbara! What do you put in pancakes?
Barbara -[answer off] I don't make them.
Emily - Salt?
Anne- no, not salt.
Emily - Baking powder?
Anne - (exasperated) No! Margaret- what do you put in pancakes?
Margaret- [knee deep in dishes] What? Pancakes? Mine are like shoe leather. Why is this dishwasher not drying the dishes? This thing is useless.
Anne and Emily exit the kitchen, with a look of great relief and embarrassment upon Emily's face. Anne continues to contemplate raising agents.
Anne- Not bicarbonate of soda, not baking powder, not salt - the other one.
Emily (last ditch effort.) Cream of Tartar??
Anne - Yes!! 1/2 tsp of cream of tartar.
Anne and Emily move to centre left of stage, Emily is seen to have aged considerably during this passage
Anne- OK, so are you with me so far? 8oz, flour, 1/2 tsp cream of tartar, 1/2 tsp bicarb and 2 spoonfulls of sugar. Mix all that round.
Emily - got it.
Anne - put 2 eggs in a measuring jug and switch them
Emily - (to audience) Friends, switching eggs? What is the meaning of this? Is this some kind of baking mojo? Should I be offering to cast out demons or call social services?
Anne - then make them up to 10 floz with milk. Add the liquid to the flour etc and mix round. When the bubbles start to appear on the surface start cooking.
Barbara- [moving from stage back during last passage unbeknown to Emily] You need a girdle!
Emily - [under breath] One more comment like that and you'll get a sock!! Ok, I had a few egg sandwiches and a slice of fruit cake, but that was all!
Anne- yes, put some butter on your girdle...
Emily - puzzled- wonders when ladies foundation garments became the topic du jour.
Anne -When it's hot, cook the pancakes, turn them when the bubbles form on the top side.
Barbara - You should get a girdle for your birthday!
Emily [to audience] the Terrific at Thirty mug and a girdle? No way! These oldsters have some cheek. At least I got the recipe....
Curtain falls
Voice Over - Here ends another chapter of "Recipes from the Edge" starring Emily as daring gourmand, recipe hunter extraordinaire, Anne as the gentle cook with 50 years baking experience and holder of Drop Scone of Jura Award 1972 and Barbara as Damart sales rep.
It was hard work. Have to say, I've made it a few times now - only a half quantities, and it is great. One point worth making perhaps is that the mixture is thick enough to point a wall with. Very much a mixture rather than a batter, so don't be tempted to add more milk. The mixture requires a little spreading when it hits the girdle. I made them for mum the other day, and they were pretty much ready by the time the pot of tea was made. So, thanks to Anne and Barbara, genuinely, though my title Speedy Pancakes definitely refers to the time to make them, rather than the time to acquire the instructions.
there are tears in my eyes. Did you used to be the scriptwriter for Dad's Army?